JL Audio TüN help

First time using this software (if it isn't immediately obvious)

My problem is: I don't get the "new project configuration" dialogue box ever and can't open new projects.

According to the user manual: "To start a New Project, select “Create a New Project” from the Startup Dialog Box or “New Project” from the toolbar on the left side of the interface."

When I boot up TuN, I dont get any of that. All I get is the option to click on my DSP or run a simulation and once I click on the DSP, I can: load project from device, load project from computer, or another grayed out option that was not NEW project.

I am also not seeing the little circle with the plus sign on the left edge of the screen like I would expect

I'll try to provide as much relevant information as I can think of:

I want to start a new project because from what I understand, you set up what inputs/outputs are being managed during new project set up.

I installed the latest version of TuN yesterday straight from JL's website

I am trying to interface a JL Audio FiX 86

I purchased the 86 from someome who (allegedly) removed it once they sold their car.

I have tried holding the button on the 86 for 15 seconds and watched the little light show it's supposed to do when it "resets"