My Partner mixed up Caroline with someone DRASTICALLY different

I was talking about the Grammys with my gf, who's not really big into keeping up with new music. I was mostly teasing her about how I show her albums from artists I like, and how she can never remember artists after we've listened to their entire album.

I ask her what albums she liked from what I've shown her? She loved Rina, Dorian Electra, a few of Charli's projects, etc, (she butchers a half of their names, but I can make out what she's saying). Keep in mind, we've listened to both of Caroline's albums in the past at least twice, Look at Me Now literally brought her to tears, she made Pang a theme song for one of her dnd characters. She really vibes with her music.

I ask her if there's any other artists she's enjoyed from our listing sessions?

gf: "Oh, I really loved Colleen Ballinger's music!"

me: "...what?"

gf: "Yeah! Remember her one song made me cry."

me: thinking she's talking about toxic gossip train for a sec, before releasing she prob means Caroline "Are you sure you got that name right, XD?

gf: "wait, is it not Colleen?!?"

I love my partner so much, but she is chronically bad with names to an absurd degree. I get Caroline has a long name, but confusing her with Colleen Ballinger is something I never would've guessed.