Absolutely cannot get tight clean copes on baseboards

Using a Dewalt DCS781X1 and the blade seems to be well adjusted and aligned. For some reason, my copes are never quite at the right angles to be tight. If the baseboard peice that is "receiving" the coped peice isn't a perfect 90 perpedicular to the floor (perhaps 92 degrees) would I need to cant the blade the 1-2 degrees vertically on the 45 angle cope cut?

For example, here is the board on the wall and the protractor seems to indicate about 1-2 degrees wider than 90.



When I cut at the coped peice at 45 degrees with a 90 vertical angel, the peice just doesn't fit right:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UPDATE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So I made a test cut on a scrap board with a 2 degree veftical cant off 90 and it seemed to line up well. Then I made the same 2 degree vertical cant when I made my cope cut and now look at the fitment (below)...I'm truly puzzled.

2 degree vertical cant (92 degree) test cut

Coped with 2 degree cant

Perhaps third times a charm, this time cut on a 1 degree cant....OR, I just do what everybody has said and use a prybar to pull the adjacent nailed trim peice off the wall to shim at 90.