Thoughts on Perception of Weath when Growing Up
As we all know, your families' wealth has a huge impact on you growing up, affecting many attitudes you may hold. Something I've always wondered however is how alike different strata of family wealth are to each other based on how that wealth was spent.
People who grew up poor are likely to have a few common experiences: Not recieving expensive items, having active knowledge or worry about their parent's finances, and growing up in a bad area.
Similarly, people who grew up well off are likely to experience the reverse: Receiving expensive items regularly, not needing to care about their parent's finances(as they have enough that a downturn won't meaningfully affect a child), and growing up in a safe and nice area
With middle class kids, it is common to display elements of both groups. For example, getting luxury items and not worrying about parent's finances, but living in a bad area, or not receiving Luxury items and worrying about parent's finances, but living in a good area, etc.
I wonder how middle class kids tend to relate and behave towards the other two groups. For example: My parents were middle class, and I never had to worry about their finances and grew up in good areas. They were also very frugal people, my dad to a problematic extent. He had a hoarding problem and would refuse to pay for expensive items even when they were actually neccessary (like high quality repairs). As a result, I did not receive more expensive things growing up than my peers who were often poorer on paper, and sometimes had worse living spaces.
As an adult, I relate more to people who have less money than my parents did. I find people who spend large amounts of money on luxury obnoxious, and I have the spending habits of someone who came from a poorer background. Yet, unlike friends who grew up poor, I don't have hesitance about buying things I want, and I don't seek out luxuries I was denied as a child (because I didn't have to worry about my parents ability to buy them, only their willingness). My personal experience with my dad means I am not repulsed or afraid of poor living areas the way many middle class people are.
I wonder how people align behaviorally based on these factors? Like would a middle class kid who got lots of luxury items but lived in a bad neighborhood relate more to people who have less money (and thus share the experience of living in a poorer area) or people with more money (and thus share the experience of a more luxurious lifestyle)?
What have been you guy's experiences with this?