I was approached by a homeless man today.

He had tapped me on the shoulder while I was waiting for the light to change, so I took off my headphones and turned around.

The first words out of his mouth were, “Thank you for acknowledging me,” before asking if I had any cash on me. I thought I didn’t so I said sorry man and crossed the street. Got back to my car and realized I had a ten dollar bill in my coat pocket. Feel like a real asshole for that.

But what really kills me is knowing that that dude goes his entire day without people noticing him or even saying hello, so much so that a stranger glancing his way is enough to illicit that kind of response. It’s crazy knowing most of us are a few wrong choices away from being there next to him, and knowing how shitty some people really have it.

Sorry to bring the mood down on a sunny Wednesday dudes, just my daily reminder to do better for the people around me and preach empathy in a time when it may not be common everywhere.