Pouring milk before or after the cereal?!
Okay, so I was recently on a Carnival cruise and there was a game show for families. They brought up pairs of adult+kid (like Dad and daughter) and asked them questions and the other has to guess how their partner responded on their white board. There was another round and then the final round. Final round game was: the kids of the top two teams (in our case 10yr old girls) had to write their answer to a question on a white board. Their adult partner and the two teams that had already been knocked out were the "panel" behind them. The panel had to also answer the question on a whiteboard. The kid got a point each time a panel answer matched their own.
One question asked something like, when I make cereal, I do this first.
One answered pour the cereal in the bowl. Seems obvious. I mean I thought the question was odd because what other answer could there be, unless someone was pedantic and said they get a bowl out from a cabinet or something.
I was wrong. The other child said she would pour the milk first. Our host was baffled but went with it. He went through the panel to see what answers they wrote. All said cereal first and then milk, except one of the other kids.... Milk first. Okay so one kid could be a fluke, but two of 8 on stage, that's 25%!
So...is this like a thing? Do others put their milk in first, and if so, why?! Is it regional? I'm genuinely curious 🧐
Milk or cereal first? Let me know!