Creating in music beats using my teeth
So from a veryyyy long time I.e ever since in started listening to music I used to to replicate the beats by my teeth. So when I sing a song, my teeth automatically start to create the beats and you can easily do these beats while sing. So I once recorded my voice while singing and creating these beats, whe I heard it I was laughing so hard cuz 1. My voice was way different that what I hear(not surprised. But 2. When I make these beats with my teeths the, actual part where I sing gets a pause for like a millisecond. Moreover since I make these beats from my teeth only I can hear them. The problem is that I cannot get rid of doing these beats from my teeth. It just automatically starts. Any suggestions to stop it?
If u don't understand what do I mean by making beats by teeth, just bite air and let you teeth of both ur upper and lower Jaw hit each other. Hear that sound? I use that to make beats