Do people just have all their doors in their house open now?

This seems like such a ridiculous question 😂 but I'm genuinely serious. When I got a kitten 4 months ago, I never thought about how much I'd miss closing doors lol 🤷

I live in a very small shared house - and I keep my kittens food/water/litter stuff in the kitchen as it's most convenient, and my room is too small. But because she wants to follow me and be with me all the time, I don't close any doors, and she's only 5 months old so prefers snuggles and company at night. If I shut her away she meows like crazy, and I don't want her to be feeling that kind of distress so young.

It's not a huge problem, and I'm aware I will just put up with it but also doors are so good and I miss them being CLOSED 😂 but obviously my baby needs access to her necessities!

But It made me think - do people with cats just keep all of the doors in their house open ALL OF the time? And what if you don't live alone and it means more noise / less privacy? Do cats get used to doors being closed as they age? Haha. I'm curious to what other people do.. 🤔

A small adjustment that I did not consider.