Is It Okay To Leave My Cat Alone?
hi everyone!
i am a college student living in a single dorm. i have my cat with me, and she is about nine months old. recently, i’ve become increasingly concerned about how much time im spending away from her.
obviously i leave for classes and to eat, but i always return as soon as i can to be with her. whether we’re actively cuddling or she’s just sitting on the end of my bed, i spend as much time as i possibly can with her.
the one big thing i worry about is when i spend a night at my boyfriend’s room. i do this a few time a week, and i make sure to give her extra love before and after. typically i leave around 10:00-11:00pm and return in the morning. i’ve just been thinking about it a lot and i feel so bad everytime i decide to go.
be brutally honest with me; is she likely okay with this? i never notice anything crazy when i get back to my room (ie not using the litter box) and she typically seems just fine when i get back. maybe im just too worried but i want to make sure.
any advice is greatly appreciated. i try to limit the time im out of my room insanely, but obviously, life. thank you so much in advanced!