My cat knocking over my water is irritating me…

I have a 8 month old (f) cat. I’ve had cats before but they never knocked things over just for fun. I know it is normal cat behavior, but it’s like she purposefully does it. Let me explain. My cat Frankie will only drink water if it’s fresh, on my night stand, and it has to be cold. I also keep a cup of my own water on my nightstand because I’m overly thirsty in the middle of the night. My nightstand is slightly taller than my bed, and I usually sleep super close to it (hard to explain), but every night I get a face full of water due to her pushing it off. I’ve tried putting it farther away, trying cups with straws (which just hits me in the face minus the water), and even the tacky picture hanging things as a last resort. If I don’t put her water there, she cries and cries. I’m just tired of the behavior and don’t know how to fix it. Any suggestions??