Prepping cat emergency kit to keep in car

I’m working on a “go bag” for my car (emergency supplies in case I get stuck somewhere or there’s an emergency and I have to leave my house), and in addition to things for me, I want to add things in for my cat. I’ve already put in bowls, a bag of litter, toys, and a plastic dishpan to act as a litter box. I of course want to add in food, but I am concerned about how the temperature of the car will impact the freshness and quality of the food. I planned to fill a ziploc bag with dry kibble and add two unopened cans of cat food (enough to see my cat through a couple of days of meals). Given that cars can get horribly hot in the summer and icy cold in the winter where I live, would the food I put in the go bag go bad or otherwise be affected such that I should not feed it to my cat?