I’m a Palestinian Catholic….

I’m a Palestinian Catholic. Both my maternal and parental grandparents were forcefully displaced from Palestine in the 1948 Nakba. We now are in the West.

All my life I have been used to people not even knowing what Palestine was. I was used to the racism I endured for being Arab. Or people who knew what is what, but were pro-Israel and would beat me down because of my heritage.

What really hurts most now is that a lot a people know about what’s going on there. However, a lot of people still see Palestinians as less than human. It’s very very hard to see and disgest.

I have been struggling a lot with my faith lately. I was a devout Catholic. However, the Church’s lack of acknowledgement of the genocide has made it very difficult for me to go to Mass. the prayer intentions never mention Palestine or Gaza. All the innocent lives lost. Pope Francis speaks about Palestine but our local parishes can’t?

And please spare me the Islamophobia and the anti-resistance. I have family that are Muslim, Catholic, etc. we truly do live in peace back home.

Anyways, I am deeply sad and hurt by our Church’s response on everything going on. Especially when the church REJECTS Zionism.

I apologize if this seems like a ramble. I am very emotional about everything.

EDITS: WOW I need not expect this post to have this much attention. I will try to read all the comments in the next few days. I appreciate all the prayers.

I want to add this post is not a pity post, “woe is me”, to feel bad for me. Etc. I fully acknowledge I am enduring NOTHING compared to what the people in Palestine are going through. I am grateful I am safe. I don’t want it to seem like I’m not. This post was for me to vent and to honestly see what other Catholics are experiencing because I feel like it needs to be discussed more.

Second edit: this post has already helped me a ton. I have been struggling with my faith, yes, but in a way it has also brought me closer knowing the Judgement Day is near and only then will humanity get peace. I am looking forward to Mass now. Please continue to pray for everyone in the area for safety and peace.

Third edit: it seems like my post got locked by the moderators and therefore no one can comment. Again, I appreciate everyone’s messages and comments. This post truly did help me a ton spiritually and I hope it can help you all as well. I will be working on rebuilding my faith. Peace be with you all 🫶