Advice on attending a Church which is not very Catholic.


I live in England recently moved home so had to find the nearest Catholic Church. It's about a 15 minute walk from me.

Been a few times now and I really can't get my head around it. Sunday was the worst I've seen at mass. As I walk in people are all talking loudly as if they are in the pub. Men wearing hats and also at one stage the priest came out before mass wearing a bobble hat. I've never seen that. The priest from what I can see just doesn't command respect so I guess it just trickles down.

Sorry if it sounds judgemental or that I think I'm better because I'm a sinner like us all but I was brought up to respect God's home.

Has anyone had any experiences like this or am I being too judgemental? It's just most churches I've attended are not like this.
