Idk how to deal with my evangelical father.

Bout a year ago I started looking into the Catholic Church. Told my non-denom dad and he imediately flipped out. "ITS A CULT. THATS SATANS CHURCH! THEY DONT PREACH FRON THE BIBLE!" He shouted all the claims that make even most protestant apologists role their eyes. Anyway I knew right then that we should just stay clear from the topic.

About 6 months go by. I'm a bit more educated. We are on the phone having a perfectly nice conversation about the old testament. He randomly says "through faith alone". I couldn't help myself and laid out the whole "you know the only time faith alone is said is..." (we all know). Now I knew not to even attempt to argue with him because moments before I talked about what I'd learned about how the books of the Bible were decided on the first time in the 390s and so on. And his response was "idk about all that. All I know is I have my Bible and the books that are in it." I mean how does one argue with a thought processes like that? He then quoted revelations about not adding or taking away from. As if that was referring to a Bible that had yet to be compiled! I said "well protestants took away from, and Luther even wanted to exclude some from NT. He didn't believe that. And didn't believe that our 7 books were already there and not added after. Again, how do you argue with someone that denys basic historical facts if they don't support him, while providing no evidence other than "I've got my bible". I was respectful the entire time while a 64 yrs old screamed at me. Again, I'm the child of this duo.

Regardless, he ended up flipping out saying more stuff we've all heard and got off the phone. I've taken this sort of thing all my life and have always just been the grown up. I couldn't though. I called him back and lost it. Told him he's a child. He doesn't know basic history. Is ignorant and small and his entire belief in his particular sect of a sect demonstrates even the smallest amount of intellect and reading comprehension. (That was not generous towards protestants and I know that) but I just couldn't handle being talked to like an idiot by him when he demonstrated zero knowledge other than what the 50 pastor bobs he's listened to over 40 years.

It's been probably 6 months and we've just simply steered clear of anything on the topic. I'm the only child of 3 that speaks to him. I always take him to eat and get him a gift for his birthday and father's day because no one else does and I want to show I love him. Today we are shooting the breeze and I thought it would be funny to ask him an opinion on something "trivial" I read in the bible. I said "is it crazy to think the naked man in Mark is the rich man, and that he did sell all his posessions?" He imediately got hostile telling me I spend too much time on stuff that doesn't matter and that I always do and kept saying things of that nature. I was so shocked and was like wow I just thought it was am interesting thought I spent 10 seconds on. What are you going on about. He said something about my beliefs I don't remember and I said we haven't spoken about the bible in months and he said yea because you just think the craziest stuff.

It just genuinely dawned on me that maybe it's time to just walk away from him. Idk if that's the Catholic thing to do. But on one hand he's just so willing to insult and belittle me and disregard any thought I have as if I'm 5. (I'm 33). He's so easily rude and disrespectful to me without warrenr, when I've done nothing but go out of my way to show him respect and that I love him. And finally, I know without a shadow of a doubt the Catholic Church is the true Church of Christ and I can't listen to him speak evil of it.

Sorry for the long winded post. Luckily was able to stop myself from listing all examples. Any advice? I'm not keen on just pretending I'm not Catholic while around him.