Got my first BFP but feeling pretty anxious. Need reassurance...
I got my first BFP yesterday, 3 days before my period is supposed to start. For reference, my cycles are about 30 days, and positive test was 11 dpo. I took another test today and the line is darker than yesterday's. However, since yesterday I've been feeling a weird kind of pain on the lower right side of my abdomen and it's still present today. It's not getting worse but it's still there. I can't say this feels like my period cramps, but I'm nervous it could be bad news? It's a weird sensation, almost feels like a pinch? Or like a small tug? Like if i was to rate it, id say its a 4/10 compared to my normal cramps. I'm sure I'm super over thinking this but I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like the more I am aware of it, the more I "feel it" and the more I scare myself. I'm scared it'll be another chemical pregnancy. Did anyone experience anything similar? Or any other weird "pains" or minor cramps that ended up being nothing? I just need some reassurance to keep my mind from spinning. I really want this peanut to stick😭