Any CCS tricks here to reduce our bill?

3yo attends CC 5 days a week

Daily charge $165

Day hours 7:30 to 5:30

So thats 50 hours a week?

Mother and I are seperated. At the moment the whole bill is on her CCS

I have an available css i could use

So i pay for Monday/Tuesday to her account, and mother pays Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

A big benefit is mother works at the childcare so she gets a $16.50 discount per day

The bill is a huge bite from my wage and hers. I feel that there might be a way to tweak this?

Should i put my 2 days on my CCS? But then lose the staff discount?

At present the amount from our daily pocket is $26.33 a day

I really need any kind of reduction my home life is getting eaten by this bill. Cost of living, i cant even afford to see a dr right now. If my car dies im fooked

Are there any ways or ideas to rearrange this format? And take even just $10 off my $52.66 bill a week?

My rent is $480 on its own ( for the record)

CC is 5% of my wage its double any other bill ive got

Thanks for any help