It's amazing how aura is enough to make people completely miss the mark of a character/story

I recently saw a alt-right Christian edit where the guy shamelessly places Patrick Bateman at the forefront of the video and I just laughed. This isn't a one-off case, as I'm sure everyone knows just how a lot of men look up to this monster of all people, and when you really think about it, it all just boils down to one reason: aura. Nothing more nothing less. Sure, he killed a homeless man in cold blood, murdered his co-worker because of jealously and sexually abused prostitues. But who cares, he looked cool doing it and radiated nothing but aura. He's totally not a bad person.

Another example that irks me is Rock Lee from Naruto. Amazing how people saw him take off the weights (I admit it was cool as shit) and then strained his body beyond its limits and almost killed himself in the process and risked never being able to walk again because of ? His pride? To prove himself? Like the story quite literally made a point of how pushing himself to such lenghts was obviously bad for him. Amazing how people saw this and concluded that hard work is a theme of the story, and yet a few episodes later, the laziest guy in the cohort ended up winning the Chunin Exams. Rock Lee might have ended his life in an exam he could take again a few months later but he looked cool doing it and that's all that matter.

Walter White is honestly the most jarring one. BB was never subtle about how abusive and horrible he is, both to Jesse, hisfamily and everyone around him. He quite literally says in the finale that he did all this because he felt good doing it, not because he wanted to leave money for his family. He is a terrible person, and yet so many idolize him? Why? Was the "I am the one who knocks" line that damn cool that you ignore that this isn't someone who you see as half-decent?

You know how people ignore the actions of horrible women because they're sexy? This is the male equivalent I think. A writer could write out a blueprint of something you should avoid and not romanticize but God forbid they accidentally make the characters the smallest bit cool and the fans would ignore everything about the message and hone in on that one moment and just wank off that character to no end.