Family Upgrading to CSR Questions

Background Info:

-I have the CSP and Freedom Unlimited. My wife just has the Freedom Flex

-We have decided that my wife will open up a CSR for the travel perks as it suits our family well.

-I’m going to be added as an authorized user to the CSR for $75. I’m then going to close my CSP once added as a CSR user (and before my next CSP fee is to be paid)

-I believe it has been less than 48 months since I received my SUB on my CSP. It’s close, though.


1: Is this a good plan?

2: Can she sign up using my referral link in order to get me 15K points?

3: Can I just transfer my CSP points to my Freedom and then back to my CSR once added as a user? I read I lose any CSP points once I close it down.

4: Anything else to be aware of?

Thank you!