Red Bank High School
We live in north Chattanooga and my son is currently at Normal Park for another 2 years and is zoned for Red Bank High.
He is academically very strong (4.0) and overall a confident great kid. He loves sports and has friends that attend red bank middle and will be at RHS when it’s time for him to go.
I would love to hear insight from other parents or faculty that have their kids at RHS. I haven’t heard great things but I’ve also heard a few comments from parents on Reddit of kids who had good experiences.
Main areas of concern: -is there a lot of bullying and how the school handles that. -Seems like there are AP offerings? -what are the faculty turn over rates? -are there multiple offerings of sports teams like JV & varsity
Disclaimer: we aren’t interested in private education for personal reasons not financial reasons.
We also will try out the lottery again after normal park so need to share magnet & charter options. We are well versed in all other options :)