For foreigners who have traveled and visited China, do you ever get stopped to take pictures with strangers?

I was talking to my older brother the other day, and he was telling me about how whenever he travels to China, random Chinese people will come up to him and ask to take a picture. He said it happens all the time, even in regular tourist spots. I've even seen videos on TikTok with people getting stared at and taken pictures with by people even crowding them all around like they’re famous.

I've heard other people say the same thing too, so I'm curious—is this a real thing that happens a lot? What's the deal with Chinese people wanting to take photos with foreigners? Is it just because we look different and they're curious? Or do they think we're celebrities or something? I wouldn’t be too super weirded out if random people kept trying to take pics with me; I’d think I’d be flattered or surprised by it to feel like a celebrity for a day lol, so I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind it. Thoughts?"