So I just lost a fuckton of progress...

Anyone else have this happen?

Last night I ragequit the game after it crashed and when I fired it back up it said "save data corrupted" and all my cosmetics were reset (after I'd spent the better part of an hour unlocking and equipping new shit on all 4 classes for all 4 factions).

Now that's enough for one night of I butthurt "I'm done with this game!".


When I fired it up today, my first stop was equipping my stuff.

A lot of which is gone.

Meaning the shit I've bought is gone.

Not all of it, mind you.

And not my most recent purchases either.

So there's no logic around it.

Am I the asshole for thinking that since they sell crowns, that this is a very big issue.

I'm on PS4, if that's of relevance.

But yeah.

Anyone else experience this?