Potential hot take: I don’t think Janke was the worst troll.

I would like to preface this by saying that yes, she is a terrible human being, and the things she has reportedly said and done outside of CWC are disgusting. However, in terms of Chris’ trolls I feel that she really didn’t do anything at all. She was “fake” nice in conversation and Chris did as Chris does best and gave her the rest. Sure she shared the phone call to brag about the information she managed to get, and who knows what she was planning on doing before Fiona decided to share it.

But in the grand scheme of things, I don’t feel Isabella brought anything to the story other than unfortunately being the one Chris chose to confess to. Other trolls (ie; the idea guys, bluespike, etc.) did actual damage themselves. Had Chris confessed to any other person she was in contact with at the time, the outcome of it leaking would’ve been the same.