Is Religion Bad???

I am a Christian,but like every other people i am now occuring a critical thinking in whether this is real (The existence of God) and (The Bible) and in result i am having a Existential Crisis.I am not very into Christian and i rarely go to Church So anyway during my Critical thinking phase i went to youtube about Christian.And then i search about how the Atheist think of religion (also agnostic) and i watch that video (i forgot) about Manipulative/Delusional type of thing and then i went to the comments about people talking about their experience.Some commenting of the flaws or anything bad experience of that Religion.

I admit i came to conclusion that Religion is a Coping Mechanism and also a manipulative and not real…

But…I hope that that is not the case but i just forget about it and just not take the Religion easily and that ease me a little bit.