An important question for Christian men from a Christian woman
This is sort of hard to start out but I’ll just jump to the question. Would you consider marrying a Christian woman who have done premarital sex/things similar or equivalent to it? Before you answer I would like to tell you about my experience with this sin and get your thoughts on it and if you’d marry someone like me. So far I’ve only had one boyfriend and I think it’s been the greatest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. I’ve been broken up with him for about a year now and as I get older(I’m 21) I worry I won’t find a husband. I met him when I was 16 and he was 18. I was an extremely insecure and depressed person and a boy telling me I was beautiful made me feel like a I had value and worth. The relationship lasted for four years and I did things I very much regret. Although each time after I did something sinful I cried and was in so much pain (and I still am to this day with guilt and regret) and I knew it was God convicting my heart….I was the minor in this situation but I still should’ve known better. Fast forward to the end of our relationship, we are considering getting married and I tell him I want to go to vet school and how it would require him to see me less and pick up more work to care for me. He did not like this at all. God gave me the strength to leave this horrible relationship and I’m so happy I did but I’m left with horrible regret of my sin. I know God used those four years to bring me closer to him but I’m so sad because of the things I’ve done…I’ve heard a preacher describe an impure woman like a used toothbrush before. No one wants to use a used toothbrush, and I don’t blame them. I hate myself for being a disgusting piece of used garbage. If another man did ever consider me for a spouse I would confess all of this to him because I wouldn’t want to “trick him”. Im not the type of person people think has ever had inappropriate relations, people assume I’m an angel just because I don’t cuss or make vulgar jokes but I’m just sinner as much as the next person. Despite the horrible sin I’ve told you, I do love Jesus with all my heart and I am a Christian, a better one than before my ex but I’m so sad it took all of that for me to come closer to God. I’d appreciate if you could be brutally honest when you answer the question because I’m curious as to how Christian men feel about this. Thanks for stopping and reading all this, have a blessed day.
Edit: It’s getting overwhelming to reply to all of you so I will just say it here, thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this or write an encouraging message!! I truly appreciate all that y’all have done and your words of wisdom have given me such comfort! ❤️