I looked stupid arguing for God and Jesus

I was in a car trip, and for some reason I dont remember why, I had a debate about God and him being real. My little brother argued that he doesn't believe in a god, and I really do. But then he asked me things like that paradox about God not being able to create a rock that he can't lift himself, and the fact that Adam and Eve is fable. I used to Shroud of Turin, to showcase that Jesus in fact was real, and the more I argue the stupider I sounded. In the end of the argument, I got angry and when we arrived at a restaurant, I stepped out and started sobbing out of frustration. My mom said to him "Don't argue about this stuff, he's stubborn when it comes to this", and that hurts me much more. I love jesus, and the more I preach, I feel like I sound like an idiot, because I can't come up with answers on top of my head. My family walked in the restaurant, and I just asked to hang outside a bit to cool off, and I sobbed and prayed asking god why I can't argue and look like a fool.

I don't know how to argue or just show god to my family. (My parents are more like Buddhist and my siblings are athiests). All I could rlly my lil brother them is to spend actual time looking into the bible.