FYI: It’s possible to be a conservative Christian, but also call out conservative political wrongs.

There is some weird sense here on this forum in which most people seem to think the Christian faith is best divided on the basis of US politics.

So, whereas I would say a “conservative Christian” is someone who holds to propositions like “The Bible is the inerrant word of God”, it seem like “conservative Christian” on this forum is mostly used to mean: “Votes for Republicans.”

I just want to point out that this isn’t necessarily the case.

For example, I’m a conservative Christian. I believe there is no error in the Bible. That leads me to beliefs like:

1.) Homosexual activity is morally illicit.

2.) Life begins at conception and abortion is murder.

3.) Lying is a grave sin.

4.) We have a moral obligation to help refugees that is independent of any financial gain we may or may not receive from doing so.

5.) Greed is a sin and any worldview that puts profit as its highest aim is un-Christian and it is illicit for a Christian to espouse it.

What’s frustrating to me is that other people will often neatly sort me into camps of their own making. So, if I say “I think same sex activity is wrong” I will often be immediately called a hypocrite and told that I only focus on gay people but don’t seem to have a problem with Donald Trump being a rapist, cheating on his wife, etc.

But none of those things are true. I do have a problem with all of those things. If I had the power, I would 100% remove Donald Trump from office this second because he’s an unrepentant rapist and adulterer and thus clearly unfit to lead even a family, much less a whole nation.

The real issue is, that for a lot of people, politics are primary and religion is secondary. These people probably assume everyone is like them and thus doesn’t really care about the religion and is just playing politics. But that’s not true. Many of us actually just primarily care about the religious aspect.

So, if you’re going to use “conservative Christian” as a synonym for “Republican”, then at least please be aware that this is not the only way the term is used and not every self professed conservative Christian is going to neatly fit into your broad division of the world.