TH17 Update Megathread | Discussion, Bugs, and News!

Hey Chiefs! The Th17 update is being released now, which naturally means it's time for a megathread.

This megathread will contain all the relevant information about the update, and act as a hub for discussion and bug reports. We’ll be removing repetitive posts and directing most general update related discussions here today.

Update Information

Please check the pinned bug comment report before making a report.

The war attacks tend to crash when the defending warden is killed.

Twitter Posts:

We're aware of some bugs that came with this new update: 🛠️ Game crashes for some players when placing the new Hero Hall & when using an Hammer of Buildings to upgrade the Town Hall. 🛠️ Training Potion not boosting Heroes' recovery time. The team is investigating these, we will keep you posted! 🙌 Source #1

``` Furthermore, the team is also working on fixing other update-related bugs such as: 🛠️New Giga Bomb visually showing up as active even though it's disarmed 🛠️ TH16 icon appearing on War Map instead of the TH17 icon 🛠️ Players' Hero Skins preview not showing properly when visiting a Player's profile.

Thank you everyone for your patience! 🫶 ``` Source #2