Musty clothes, how can I make them smell good?
You know when you stand next to someone and you can smell whatever their house smells house like? Usually it’s not good.
I thought I was doing good because yesterday at work everyone commented that they know when I walk in the room because they can smell me, and I smell good.
But today in one of my courses I took a long sleeve shirt out of my bag to put on, and I immediately put it back because it smelled so bad, I was immediately embarrassed. I had just removed it from a hanger before class, so I’m 99% sure it was clean. Now I’m scared my clothes actually smell like an old cat/dog lady (which I might be).
What can I do to make my closet clothes not stink?
When I came home I smelled the shirt again and interestingly it doesn’t smell as bad (probably because I’m back home and nose blind).
Help, I might stink!
(Extra info: I prefer the zum laundry soap because the scent lingers a while. But the rest of the household uses a gain/tide/arm and hammer/persil rotation and they smell fine but the smell doesn’t last. I do have two stinky cats and two stinky dogs…. And three stinky children. So I know I prob smell like a farm most days.)