Non linear healing???


Hi, so I got diagnosed with 4 DVTs in my legs on Feb 11, 2025. It’s now been over a month. I am on eliquis, 10mg. I have been visiting with my cardiologist about this issue but have a hemotology appointment in 2 weeks.

I have been sick to my stomach worried about my situation this week.

When I first got my blood clots, they hurt so bad that I couldn’t walk. It was pretty bad. But then after a week on eliquis, I got better. Around the first week of March, I was back to walking a mile or two and felt completely fine besides some swelling sometimes if I stood too long.

Well, all of a sudden, this week, my left leg has started swelling worse again. It’s not as bad as I was when I first got diagnosed, but it’s for sure gotten worse. And the dull pain is back.

I went to my cardiologist this week and she looked at my leg and recommended that I just wait until my hematology appointment in 2 weeks. She didn’t do another scan because she said it’s super unlikely to clot even more on eliquis.

Has anyone else had a non-linear healing process? Of getting better then having changes in swelling? I really dont want to have to go to the hospital so I’m going to try to wait the two weeks but it does concern me.

Note: I know you all are not doctors I just wanted to see your experience.