New way of thinking about coffee

This 'discovery' might sound obvious to all of you, but im pretty new to this so it feels momentous for me. Ive just discovrred that I think I like all brewing methods equally.

So in the last few months, after a friend of mine gave me his aeropress, I've been exploring with coffee more intensely than ever before. After discovering James Hoffmann, buying a moka pot, using my buddies chemex and learning more about these different brewing methods, I've really gone off on a journey of experimentation.

This entire time I had always been searching for that 'perfect' brewing method. I was looking for a non acidic or too bitter cup that gets out all the flavors of the bean and presents it in the clearest way possible. But today, after using my moka pot after an aero press, I had a totally different experience with both that were equally pleasant. I realized that using different brewing methods creates a different drink altogether, so my thinking has kind of been wrong all along.

I realized that the French press, the aeropress, the chemex, and the moka pot all make fairly different drinks and that one is not necessarily better than the other, which is kind of freeing because I like all of them for different reasons.