Colleen redecorated the twins bedroom
It looks like Colleen FINALLY got rid of the twins’ cribs and pack n plays. Atleast she upgraded their sleeping arrangement, but what’s the point in introducing them to toddler beds NOW when they’re 3 and will likely grow out of them next year or so. She should’ve just gotten them twin beds in my opinion. I recall F had a full sized bed when he was 3, so why can’t they? It also doesn’t surprise me that she’s still enforces gender stereotypes with her twins. Their bedroom speaks volumes about how Colleen’s messed up mind works 🙄 (pink for the girl, blue for the boy) wanting girly flamboyant to represent M (just like little Colleen) and trucks to represent W (just like little F). And it looks like she’s trying to get him into aquatic animals like F (of course). She NEVER lets the twins be their own person and it’s SO irritating. Also that rocking chair is awfully close to W’s bed. It looks like a hazard to me. Looks like he can easily bump his head on the arm of the chair while getting up from his bed. How can she not see thats a problem? She mentions she needs to make some changes to the room, but according to her “it’s too much of a big task to do, unless she gets a free 10 minutes here and there every night.” She “has to” wait until the kids aren’t home and for Rachel to come over to help finish their room (of course). Colleen is such an unfit mother, to the point where she probably can’t get through anything in life without someone there to hold her hand all the damn time.