Gotta Vent! Am I Wrong?
Update: Okay. Seeing all the ugly getting spread around in the comment section, I realize people here are surprisingly entitled and hateful. So I guess I’ll just go with the stance of “The same idiot almost caused an accident again. Whatevs.” And maybe just report my video to the police for reckless driving. 😅
When I drop my kid off to school, there is a part of the road that splits into a turning lane. It’s a regular turning lane, like just 20feet. And we are in between school zones. There is this white SUV lady that uses this turning lane as a passing lane, and tries to zip passed me. She has nearly hit me twice now doing this, I have to slam on my brakes and swerve. I am a calm person, but this shit in between school zones, immediately after dropping off my kid?! AH I am triggered into road rage and tempted to be a Karen. Am I wrong?! It’s illegal to use a turning lane as a passing lane, but like is this normal for Columbus???? Should I just play it cool like “oh, I almost got hit by the same idiot, whatever.”