CompTIA Security+ 701 PBQ

I've taken my exam twice and was not successful. Both times, I had the same PBQs. I have never seen any study-type material regarding anything similar to what I had on my exams PBQs. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get a specific walk-through of those types of questions? I am unfamiliar with the exact wordings of the questions, but I will do my best to explain what they had in them. If you know what I am referring to, can you help me pinpoint the right things to search for to find study materials? Or if you remember those questions better than I do and could give a better explanation of what the questions had from you testing, I would also appreciate that! Thank you!!

The question were regarding: -Clean, infected, and origin of a firewall long

-programing an IP address with 2 companies and a network router, subnet(?), ip2

-It was a diagram with the choice to fill in with a "WPA or wap" load balancer, and I can not remember exactly what a few others were.