New player here l, just a few basic questions.
- Are missiles worth the research if you have nothing else you need to research? They’re so tempting because they look fun but I don’t want to waste materials on them.
- What are the best stacks for infantry, armor and artillery. (Both early game and late game)
- Is the best anti air defense just other aircraft’s? Or should I invest in more anti-air artiliary?
- What are some of the best strategies for invading countries that are relatively equal to you in powed?
- What’s are the best things to do early game? Should i just dump a bunch of resources into making troops and try to big-dick everybody early or do i want to take out smaller threats and build up infrastructure?
- What should be my top priority for research?
- How should i go about annexing cities? It is very useful but it is also incredibly expensive so it would be difficult to annex on a large scale until pretty late in the game. (edit)
- Any other tips I should know as a newer player?