Zelensky is going about this the wrong ways

I watched the interview and I can’t help but feel Zelensky does not understand the position the president has to take to make this deal happen. Russia started it and is the aggressor of course but they are also one of the 3 largest military powers in the world. If we could’ve crushed them we would’ve but we can’t. We support Ukraine because of the values we hold as a people but you can’t just follow your heart and not bring your brain along with you.

He wants security guarantees but doesn’t want to give any concessions to Russia? That will never happen Putin didn’t get in this thinking he was getting nothing and no matter what happens he will get something. “Don’t bend the knee to dictators” and we haven’t we’ve armed you, yes us taxpayers have armed you, trade with Russia has halted and that’s the only reason your people are alive. He wants things but doesn’t want to give anything up. He speaks of the things we are gonna feel if Russia wins trying to build a sense of obligation for us to have to his cause. That’s not how this works. The fact is you can build off a ceasefire. If it holds great if not use the time to fortify yourself. The fact is Trump has better relationship with Putin than Biden or Obama ever did so the time is now for attempts at peace.

Listen we’ve got prolonged foreign involvement, massive spending, and the risk of escalation. If Ukraine drags on with no clear victory, public support may wane, just as it did for Vietnam. And if that happens then he better hope the EU has something better than what trump is offering.