Interesting ways to serve a kid eggs?

My five year old son dislikes eggs. It's interesting because when he first started on solids he loved scrambled eggs. He's not allergic (because he happily ate them then and now eats them in cakes, biscuits, french toast etc). But I've tried every which way, scrambled, omelet, dinosaur shaped (didn't really work), fried, boiled, frittata of all types (he'll have that occasionally). I could just accept it but I would love if he did eat them because they are such a nutritious food and he's a tall, fast growing boy so would be good to beef up his breakfast. Any suggestions for ways to offer them? I don't want to force him of course but I do want to introduce him to different ways of having them.

TO CLARIFY: I am not forcing eggs on my child (and he eats a wide range of nutritious other foods), I have tried introducing these different preps occasionally over a long time - I try a different way of presenting them MAYBE every few weeks or every other month as kids' tastes evolve. Thanks for the interesting ideas on how to incorporate them.