Hopeless at Cornell
I’m coming to Reddit because my advisor really gave me nothing helpful. I feel like I blew away my entire future and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m a current info Sci sophomore and I spent my entire freshman year working at a 20-30hr job, maintaining grades, and battling with a lot of mental health concerns. I tried to apply to project teams and clubs but got rejected from every single one. I haven’t been applying to internships bc I’ve been working. I’m going to quit soon bc I need to focus on building my resume, but I think it’s so late. Nobody next semester will accept me bc there’s nothing on my resume, then internships won’t, and the cycle continues. I need advice at this point, I’m really not sure what to do. I feel like I messed up my chance at Cornell.
Edit: I scored an internship for the winter a day after posting this!! It does get better.