I disagree with alex on something !
Having listened to a lot of his content, i was getting worried that i'd lose my ability to criticize anything he says but recently i realised i didn't agree with something he's talked about a lot. So, we all know the whole "where is the triangle" argument or observation, where it is indeed strange to ask ourselves where this thought is in our brain. But is it tho ? To alex it seems like (maybe i misunderstood) this is a good reason to suspect the existence of a soul. But i recently thought of the analogy of a computer like it has an image on the screen, but if you were to cut open the computer or its motherboard you wouldn't find this picture, just like if you were to cut open your brain you wouldn't find this damn triangle. So it then becomes an understandable thing that we are not able to see the triangle in our brain, because what we see is a result of chemical reactions within our brain and in that case, if we were to cut open our brain, with a good enough "vision" we could see those reactions. And then funnily enough a couple days later i watched a video of Genetically Modified Sceptic, where he addresses the same argument with the same analogy i had come up with ! So it just makes me wonder : did alex ever address this possibility ? If he didn't why not ? And of he did i'd like a link or the name of the video cause i'm interested in what he has to say.
If you're still reading thank you for staying, i apologize for my possible confusing writing i'm still learning english.
Edit : thank you all for those responses it's gonna keep me up at night and that's what i wanted