Why would you choose Creality Hi over Bambulab A1?
Some thoughts about A1 vs Hi after watching some Creality Hi reviews.
Creality Hi Disadvantages
- Noisy CFS and filament cutter
- Filament change with CFS compared to AMS Lite takes a bit longer because of longer nozzle on Hi and CFS vs AMS Lite design
- Worse touch screen on Hi
- Can't print TPU (doesn't work even by feeding filament directly which works fine on A1)
- CFS unit can not be attached to the top of the printer like AMS Lite
- Quality control is not good
- Worse print quality than A1
Creality Hi Advantages
- 20% bigger volume, most gain in Z axis (Hi: 260×260×300 mm vs A1: 256x256 x256 mm)
- Did not f#$k up their firmware like Bambulab did with their "security" update (the controversial "security" feature currently was only introduced for BambuLab X1C printer but it is also planned for P and A series printers)
- Slightly faster than A1 when printing in single material mode
- Possible to use with up to 4 CFS units instead of just 1 AMS Lite
The combo price of both seems to be around the same.