Looking for help getting better

I got completely rinsed today in rumble and it makes me think I need to take a big step back to see what i need to do better.


In terms of aiming I think this represents an underformance for sure since I didnt get much sleep, but I felt like I was always in a bad situation or at a bad range and don't really know what to do differently.

Some obvious things I need to get better at:

  • stop running into shotguns
  • be more disciplined about where im pre-aiming, after reviewing i saw i was a little lazy on some slides and not aiming where i should have been

Some things I'm not sure about:

  • I don't know when i should be holding an angle or when i should be just trying to hide and slide out
  • I don't really know when i should be trying to hipfire duality vs go for the slug
  • I don't know if i should be ADSing less, i feel like i dont have enough information from radar with how much im ADSing but i also feel like opponents are always getting the first shot off on me