Are the days of complete series sets done?

Been waiting to grab the complete set of Fire Force season 2 and it is still split between 2 sets even though it's been well over a year now since the 2nd set came out. Seems this started 6 months before the merger and hasn't really resolved yet. It honestly feels like CR is handicapping themselves and taking profit hits on loading up on parts of seasons and hoping fans cave and buy them up instead of waiting and paying for a equal priced complete set. That seems to be a ton of sitting product and resources that wouldn't move.

I know compared to Japan the NA fanbase has it way easier and cheaper for anime, but as a collector having a season be split just doesn't seem smart in the long term profit wise. I'd rather just wait for the whole season to be released at a later date then grab two barebone releases that at most have clean OP/EN sequences. Funi, for all their supposed faults, at least learned this during their heyday and knew how to keep collector's happy. It just honestly feels like CR still doesn't understand how to handle physical releases and I just fear that Sony will just pull the plug on their physical media division due to this poor practice for a still niche market.

Is this just me overthinking it or does anyone else feel like it's a bit poor business practice to split longer series and not just wait like Sentai and just put out a complete set?