The Difference Between A “Crush” And “Liking Someone”

Ever had a crush? Maybe it was in middle school, with that cute guy you couldn't stop staring at. Or maybe a friends of a friend, and you couldn't help but notice how nice she was. This is extremely common.

A crush can be exciting, but frequently, a question comes up in people's minds: "Do I actually like this person?"

Surprisingly, with much thought into it, the answer might just be "no."

Now, how could this be? How could you not like someone who you are romantically attracted to? How could those butterflies that show up in your stomach be caused by someone you wouldn't like?

Of course, everyone likes their crush to some degree, like their eyes, their smile, the way they laugh.

Funny. Most of the attributes just mentioned happen to be physical traits.

In fact, the significant majority of people develop crushes at least partially based on physical appearance.

For example, a class of tenth graders. One of the boys in that class almost everyone has had a crush on. Strangely, after they got to know him, their feelings dissolved. The reason for this? His looks. He is extremely attractive, but his personality is... not so much.

You may not like someone because you do not appreciate their choices or personality, but still have a crush on them because of their outward appearance that is extremely attractive to you.

This is not the only way you could not like someone while having a crush on them, but this would be too long if I included every way.

Now, what if it's the opposite? What if you like someone, so much th at you almost want to have a crush on them, but you just don't feel your heart beating or your palms sweating?

This is extremely common, especially when you already have a crush that you don't like. You want to like someone else, but whenever you think you're over them, the next second they're just smiling at you, and the rush of feelings come again. And for a person you don't even like!

Sometimes, you need to focus on who actually makes you happy, not who makes you feel something in the moment.

What if you do like your crush, though? But still, a feeling of disdain shows up whenever you see them. Do you like them?

In short, yes.

You still like them. It's not your crush you're dreading when you see them. You like their personality. It's the enormity of having a crush. You do not want to have a crush, but you still do.

Now, what are some of the main differences of liking someone and having a crush on them?

One, if you actually enjoy talking to them. Do you like spending time with them? That is a sign that you actually like them. However, if you find them to be exasperating, or don't like to talking to them, it is likely you don't.

Next, what you think. If you're trying to convince yourself you don't like them because you're embarrassed, you probably don't like them as a person. If you actually liked them, you wouldn't be embarrassed with your crush, or you wouldn't want it to go away.

Finally, how long did it take you to have a crush on them? How long did you crush on them? If both of those answers are “a while” it is likely you like him, not just a small crush. If you started having a crush on them extremely quickly, those feelings are probably based off of, like states earlier, physical looks, and not who they are or getting to know them. Were you friends with them before? This means you have a deeper connection, knowing really who they are and showing that you probably like them for who they are.

Overall, having a crush and liking someone is completely different!

I hope this helps :)

(Suggest other topics I should cover!)