How many of these have you done 😂

  • Looked for their social accounts (doesn't matter if you found them or not)
  • Saved pictures from their social accounts and stared at them for a while
  • Memorized their schedule
  • Memorized their schedule AND went out of your way so you bump into each other
  • Had a dream about them
  • Had two or more dreams about them
  • Were rude to them
  • Overthinked every conversation you have had with them
  • Started liking them after they said something really stupid/weird/random
  • Tried their hobbies
  • Every time you got a message you hoped it was them (even if you don't have their number)
  • Found out stuff about their family without them telling you
  • Found out their last name
  • Tried your first name with their last name to see how it sounds
  • Ranted to your friends about them for like ever
  • Followed them around
  • Stared at them for more than 15 seconds
  • Whispered their name under your breath randomly
  • Want to not like them
  • Have a crush on them but you don't like them
  • Touched their arm "Accidentally"
  • Started liking them before you knew their name

I need to get a life... I got 17/22 😅

EDIT: Going to update this soon to have 50, any ideas of what to add?