Do they know I like them
So I really like this person and like I think they know that :/. Anyways here’s how it started: I saw them one day and like unlike before something really sparked my interest! And like most of my crushes start out little like I barely even like them and nothings really out of the ordinary. So that’s how this one started out. But then I talked to his person in my class and told them I liked this person. I even blushed for the first time in my life!!! Then we talked a lot more about them, so I really started liking them a lot more extremely quickly. Before I could probably talk to them without issues now absolutely not! I can’t even walk past them. What makes it worse? I can talk to their friends perfectly fine even when I need to be negative (Yk give them stuff they can improve on next time on projects?) but there’s no way I could do the same with themmm!!!! Anyways how do they know??!!?!! My friends haven’t been exactly discreet with knowing I like them. Every time they do something they kinda have to something about it to me. Like when they present they have to tell me how good it was, but they’re only talking about theirs!!!! And another reason is one of their friends gave me their trash and idk why but I think they wanted to tell me something? And I have many other reasons but idk if I want to share it (just hoping they don’t find this) What should I do?? Someone please comment on this!