Don't lose hope
So around 6 months ago, I started crushing on my best friend, we were born in the same hospital 10 mins apart. I asked him out 4 days ago and he said Yes! My anxious, introverted, shy, scared, 13 year-old self would've never asked him out if my friends didn't dare me to.
So the date was on our birthday (yesterday), I went with my brother; they sat at the other end of the restaurant, never saw him the entire way.
We started from home at around 5:00pm, we walked out our way there and just chatted. At like 5:15pm, we sat down and ordered some sushi and pizza, our favourite. We talked about Fortnite, and if we would pass the whole grade acceleration test (both of us did!).
After we finished, we walked over to the garden in the back and stared at the stars. At around 6:30, our conversation shifted towards love, I forget what he said exactly, but that's when I had my first kiss (and he did too).
Best day of my life, we won the cash cups in Fortnite the next day, 1200$. Don't loose hope in yourself, they might feel the exact same as you and as nervous as you too.