i'm having doubts

a couple days ago i thought i was making good progress. i'm getting lots of good signs like us texting a lot, her smiling when she talks to me, physical touch, etc. i make her laugh and she said im "the most original person" she's ever met.

but now im having doubts. i've casually offered opportunities for us to hang out 1 on 1 but she never takes me up on them (some of them are very subtle however). there's also another guy and she spends way more time with him than she does with me. even though i'm 99.9% sure they're just friends idk what to make of it. i've also made subtle attempts at flirting that she doesn't seem to pick up on/reciprocate. i'm not trying to be super direct atm as i'm trying to gauge things before i do anything definitive.

nothing super bad has happened yet, i'd say it's going well but now doubts are creeping into my head. anyone else get like this?