WTS - Series 4 Collections. Looking to provide an amazing deal for several people.
2nd ETA: Raffle is the clear winner. I will be setting up a community raffle post within the next day or so. The raffle will be for ALL of the collections listed below, nothing listed in the post has sold or is for sale any longer. The details on how to select and draw the winners will be worked out with a well loved community streamer, likely streamed on Whatnot. But this much is known now:
100 spots at $110 each, the cost of a Mega. Payment due on spot selection via PayPal FF or Venmo only. All 100 spots will need to be filled. 20 prize spots. The last 11 being the complete series 4 base sets. All 4 redemptions will be a single collection prize spot.
ETA: It's becoming apparent that the community would like a raffle. Please read the post and comments then reply if you'd be interested. If any of my streaming buddies are interested in taking on hosting the actual raffle, please DM me.
As I have mentioned to many of you, my time in Series 4 has come to an end. I am preparing for other Cardsmiths adventures - including Space and Series 5. I have spent the last 4-5 months absolutely enjoying every minute of this community and the chase. Met a TON of awesome folks and very few bad apples.
I have nothing but love for this community and it's members. The ecosystem that exists here has a ton of potential! Keep working at making it the best place to be!
Lastly - If there is no interest OR if the community overwhelmingly would rather have me RAFFLE the entire collection, I am prepared to do that as well. A few things to iron out if this is the way y'all decide to go.
That being said - here are my offerings. I have prices set for each collection. These prices ARE negotiable. If you see something you want, reach out - we can work out a deal. Pic's upon request, of course!
1 - $8000 - Series 4 #2 Ethereum full Onyx rainbow. 7 Alphas! Includes custom art created by our very own community members R.R. Miles and HorseNo5308!
- Onyx
- Alpha Snowflake
- Alpha Sapphire
- Alpha Gold
- Alpha Aquamarine
- Ruby 19/25
- Citrine 21/40
- Alpha Jade - (currently in the mail, expected delivery this week. back up Jade: #30/45)
- Opal 11/45
- Amethyst 34/49
- Silver 26/50
- Alpha Garnet
- Emerald 72/99
- Beryl 59/149
- Custom Alpha 1/10 - 7 Layer Ethereum #2 by R.R.Miles
- Custom “Original Vintage” Ethereum #2 Series 3 by R.R.Miles
- Custom Lithos by HorseNo5308
2 - $2500 - Complete Series 4 Master Set
- All base cards 1-70 including SPs
- All base parallels including RH, IF, CS, MX
- All Meta Rares and Cold Foils.
3 - $1500 - Series 4 DSHF Set
- 1 Bhutan Ngultrum
- 1899 $1 Silver Cert Black Eagle
- German 100
- 1896 $5 Edu Note
- Suriname Ghulden
4 - $1200 - Series 4 CT-03 Big Foot Complete Set
- Regular
- Artist
- Prototype
- Test Proof (in the mail, currently in my state. Will confirm receipt before accepting payment)
5 - Four SCRATCHED but UNREDEEMED Redemption Cards
- Qty 3 - .001 BTC - $80 each
- Qty 1 - 1 LTC - $90
6 - $150 - Almost Complete Series 4 Rainbow Holo set + duplicate Iced, Crystal and Matrix. Will pull and sort upon request for a complete count and list.
7 - $45 - Complete S3 Base Set.
8 - $45 - Complete S2 Base Set.
9 - $200 - Complete S1 Base Set.
10 - $25/each - Complete S4 Base sets. Qty - 11