Can You dye g3 hair?
Hello everyone, first post ever on the app. I'm on my phone so pardon any mistakes. I have a g3 Clawdeen, i have been customizing for a few days. I'm pretty new to custom dolls. She has the hair that has 2 tones of purple in it. I'll post a picture. I do not now what doll she is, or what material her hair is made out of. I realized waaay too late that I hated her hair, and wanted it to be her original brown color that she had on g1. Can you dye their hair, with hair dye? Or maybe fabric dye? Or is it really imposible and i'll need to make a wig/ reroot her whole head? Thank you in advance! Hair isnt really soft btw! Ps: English is not my first language so apologies for spelling mistakes!!