DCC vs other teams
Can I just point out the one thing that sets the DCC apart from other teams is that Kelly and Judy pick insanely beautiful and CONVENTIONAL attractive women. I think the main reason they are so popular is because they are so extremely beautiful and equally talented( but then do this 40 year old dance).
But also Kelly and Judy emphasize PERSONALITY and sex appeal (the ability to captivate the audience). Other teams have great dancers individually but might lack precision or personality. I look at teams like the Colt , Detroit, Bengals , ATL Falcons cheerleaders or Raiderettes. They all have different styles: ATL being more hip-hop, and Colt & Detroit Lions cheerleaders being more pom but less personality.
DCC really takes the cake. Even some of this thread’s least favorite dancers, such as Salty or AnnaKate, are still great dancers just surrounded by other great dancers …