Fucked around and found out😠600-700mg dph + 22g cloves
Dont worry im 100% okay from this. I got caught by a friend who didnt know i used dph, while i was delirious. Originally went to the ER while slightly delirious and they gave me lorazepam which sent me into a full blown delirium. They wanted to do a blood test and urine test, of which I immediately started trying to get the iv out of me (ts was in my fucking arm for 13 hours) and once they asked me to pee in a cup thing, i did so normally. However once they came back into the room and asked me to dump some of the urine down the toilet, i blacked out and started pouring it all over my shoes and floor. Luckily i wasnt wearing the shoes
So then they decide to sent me to a much bigger hospital, who hooks me up to ekg and heart rate monitor as usual. 120-130bpm resting heart rate and a 155/100 blood pressure. As far as i know i havent received any meds for blood pressure or anything but it has dropped to 138/68. Gotta wait for morning before im cleared to leave.
As i learn more about what happened while i was blacked out ill update this. My friend took some videos to show me and the doctors so i might update with those.
I didnt have any seizures or anything super serious, just very delirious. Yeah dont do this, completely fucked my sense of time up lol
Dont worry im 100% okay from this. I got caught by a friend who didnt know i used dph, while i was delirious. Originally went to the ER while slightly delirious and they gave me lorazepam which sent me into a full blown delirium. They wanted to do a blood test and urine test, of which I immediately started trying to get the iv out of me (ts was in my fucking arm for 13 hours) and once they asked me to pee in a cup thing, i did so normally. However once they came back into the room and asked me to dump some of the urine down the toilet, i blacked out and started pouring it all over my shoes and floor. Luckily i wasnt wearing the shoes
So then they decide to sent me to a much bigger hospital, who hooks me up to ekg and heart rate monitor as usual. 120-130bpm resting heart rate and a 155/100 blood pressure. As far as i know i havent received any meds for blood pressure or anything but it has dropped to 138/68. Gotta wait for morning before im cleared to leave.
As i learn more about what happened while i was blacked out ill update this. My friend took some videos to show me and the doctors so i might update with those.
I didnt have any seizures or anything super serious, just very delirious. Yeah dont do this, completely fucked my sense of time up lol